Why Care Block:
Yo yo, what’s up my Stata-ites! DJ Control+D is in the house because today we’re talking about making music with Stata. There’s a big trend in today’s age involving visualizations, but truth be told, visualizations are so last season. You’ve always been able to see your data, yet have you ever wanted to hear your data? “That’s absurd, I don’t need that.”
Yeah, you’re probably right... but today, this post is for the slacker: from the undergraduate struggling through their Stata homework, to the professional who’s bored with the day-to-day grind, our new command composer is there to brighten up your day and aid with your ever evolving procrastination techniques. What is composer? It’s a way to create music. How is that music generated? You write a string of notes that get converted to the midi file format. Why did we do this? I’m still asking myself that same question while introspectively reevaluating my life. Truth be told, I love music. Not in the traditional sense, but in the very traditional sense – classical music and music theory has always been a passion of mine and this has been a passion project for a long time now. Composer makes music in two separate ways. You can write songs from the command line and from a dataset. The command line approach is faster and is especially meant for ad hoc procrastination. The dataset approach is a more methodical way of creating music and actually allows for multiple tracks and multiple instruments. Take our command line approach: composer "D, 384D, A, A, B, B, *2A, G, G, F#, F#, E, E, *.25r, *.25Db, 768D" using tt.mid, play replace We could have also written this first part as D, D, A, A, B, B, 768A, but it’s good to see the variations of this command. First we have notes: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Each note can be modified using a # (sharp) or a b (flat) which directly follows the note. A number before the note shows the duration of the note. The quarter note takes the value 384 (3*2^7). This way it can be halved up to seven times with 384 representing a quarter note, 192 representing an eight note, 96 a sixteenth note, and so on. Rather than specify a value, you may also multiply the note by a number to modify the value of the quarter note. Any number following your note denotes which octave or pitch your note will take. You may also change the instrument using a number or a named instrument available in the composer help file. For instance, say we wrote: local n1 = "F#,A,E6,D6,E6,D6,A,D6" local n2 = "E,A,E6,D6,E6,D6,A,D6" local n3 = "F#,B,E6,D6,E6,D6,B,D6" local n4 = "G,A,E6,D6,E6,D6,A,D6" composer "`n1',`n1',`n2',`n2',`n3',`n3',`n4',`n4'" using ls.mid, play replace instrument("Pizzicato") bpm(240) See if you can identify the song! Now take our data set approach. It’s just like the command line approach, except the command now takes sets of three variables: time duration, note, and octave. Notes can be played simultaneously by adding another track (three more variables). This way we can build chords and add volume to our masterpieces just like Beethoven. But unlike Beethoven, we’re not creating classical masterpieces, we’re recreating pop music. If you weren’t able to pinpoint the song before, here’s the dataset aided version of our previous track. ![]()
use http://www.wmatsuoka.com/uploads/2/1/4/6/21469478/ls.dta, clear composer pizzdur pizznote pizzoct p1dur p1note p1oct p2dur p2note p2oct voicedur voicenote voiceoct using ls.mid, play replace bpm(120) instrument(Pizzicato Pizzicato Pizzicato Voice) And there we have it, a fairly easy way to write music in Stata. Is this interesting? I hope so, especially if you’ve made it this far. I’m sure you’re wondering how useful this is though. Truth be told, this is probably one of the only things on this blog that I haven’t found a general use for but perhaps you can find some sort of practical application and share your thoughts. There will be one more post about music soon which deals with the actual analysis of music which will use composer. Until then, good luck and stay creative future Stata maestros!
OAuthWhy Care Block:
Oh man, things are about to get real juicy – this is the final reveal of the Twitter API and I couldn’t think of a better time to do this. After all, we’ve made a complete mess out of Stata with our unruly bitwise operators, unending computer security algorithms, and un-um… unfortunate time-based C-plugins. Well, my Stata friends, this is how to do anything with Stata and the Twitter API.
Let’s post! Seriously, let’s tweet about things using Stata. This method can be used not only to tweet, but also to send direct messages, retweet things, and like (favorite) others’ tweets. If you’re like me, you don’t really use Twitter that well and I’m sure my 40 followers (I rounded up) would agree. But wouldn’t it be great to find a way to reach thousands of Twitter followers based off of hashtags or messages or even emoji? If the answer is no, fine, that’s my best attempt at convincing you but still feel free to read on. Let’s bring together everything we need to send a Tweet out on the internet:
Base64 Encoding
Easy way to turn readable stuff into unreadable stuff for humans but it’s not so bad for computers. This takes all alphanumeric characters plus the plus and the “/” (which equals 64 characters to choose from), converts 8-bit chunks into 6-bit chunks which end up receiving the specific character. Sometimes equal signs are added, but you already know that.
See post on Base64 Encoding Bitwise Operators and Security Methods
We’ve got bits dressed to the nines: shifting operators, rotating operators, logical operators, overflow methods, and all kinds of methods to translate from base 2 to base 16 to base 10.
These feed into our HMAC-SHA1 algorithm, which was awful to develop… this seriously has to go in the “lots of effort, little reward” category. See post on Bitwise Operators and HMAC-SHA1 Stata Plugins
We needed time - I mean we all do – in seconds since 1970 based off of Greenwich Time. We could have just accounted for our respective time zones (unless you’re located in GMT+0 of course), but why not use this as a great learning opportunity?
See post on Plugins Nonce
Once? None? Scone? What’s a nonce? Simply put, it’s a random 32 character word containing all alphanumeric symbols. Twitter’s example shows this being Base64 encoded, but all it has to be is a random string. vqib2ve89dOnTusESAS26Ceu9TcUES2i – see? Easy, just make sure you change the characters each time.
Percent Encoding
Based on the UTF-8 URL Encoding standards, we need to replace certain characters that would otherwise cause complications in a URL. Don’t worry though, we’ve got a function for that. Just know that valid URL characters are all letters and numbers as well as the dash, the period, the underscore, and the tilde. ![]()
Send Out the Tweets
Twitter has some fabulous documentation for their API so it’s fairly easy to find the method that you want to do. These processes can be generalized and used across many of these methods so we are by no means limited to just tweeting. For tweets (hereon referred to as status updates to be consistent with Twitter’s documentation), we use the base or “resource” URL:
https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json Remember, status updates can only be 140 characters and Twitter will actually shorten URLs for you, but still keep in mind your character limits! All statuses must be percent encoded, so let’s go ahead and create our status local; we’ll also store our base URL while we’re at it. local b_url "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json" local status = "Sent out this tweet using #Stata and the #Twitter #API – http://www.wmatsuoka.com/stata/stata-and-the-twitter-api-part-ii tells you how!" mata: st_local("status", percentencode("`status'")) We then take all of our application information: consumer key, consumer secret, access token, and access secret and store these as locals as well. local cons_key "ZAPp9dO37PnzCofN2Nm8n8kye" local cons_sec "kfbtARFpBIdb515iaS48kYZjWhLoIdbEiAINDVX0c3W3e0fgWe" local accs_key "1234567890-YFklDWGuvSIGLYPMnAfOZgLgLsMXjKIHqaIr1F5" local accs_sec "LYvHWfTS6LXjtDPVXchs6dXUG52l41j4HmicYwjr8aStw" For this section, we will be creating all of our necessary authentication variables. The first step to creating our secret signing key is to make a string that contains our consumer secret key, concatenated with an ampersand, concatenated with our access secret key. We’ll also include all the necessary locals we talked about earlier. local s_key = "`cons_sec'&`accs_sec'" mata: st_local("nonce", gen_nonce_32()) local sig_meth = "HMAC-SHA1" // If you don't make a plugin, just make sure you do seconds since 1970 // probably using c(current_date) and c(current_time) - [your time zone] plugin call st_utm local ts = (clock(substr("`utm_time'", 4, .), "MDhmsY") - clock("1970", "Y"))/1000
Now it’s time to create our signature. We start by percent encoding our base URL. For our signature string, we include the following categories:
local sig = "oauth_consumer_key=`cons_key'&oauth_nonce=`nonce'&oauth_signature_method=`sig_meth'&oauth_timestamp=`ts'&oauth_token=`accs_tok'&oauth_version=1.0&status=`status'" Then, percent encode the signature string and base URL: mata: st_local("pe", percentencode("`b_url'")) mata: st_local("pe_sig", percentencode("`sig'"))
This next step is why we spent an ungodly amount of time on bits and hashes! We need to transform our signature string into a Base64 encoding of the HMAC-SHA1 hash result with our message being the percent-encoded signature base hashed with our secret key. Sorry if that's a mouthful, but we can see what that translates to below.
local sig_base = "POST&`pe'&" mata: x=sha1toascii(hmac_sha1("`s_key'", "`sig_base'`pe_sig'")) mata: st_local("sig", percentencode(encode64(x))) Finally, we’re almost done with Twitter and can move on to other more important things! First let’s make sure to post our Tweet because, after all, that's what we're here for. !curl -k --request "POST" "`b_url'" --data "status=`status'" --header "Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="`cons_key'", oauth_nonce="`nonce'", oauth_signature="`sig'", oauth_signature_method="`sig_meth'", oauth_timestamp="`ts'", oauth_token="`accs_tok'", oauth_version="1.0"" --verbose Now we can marvel at how much time we spent learning about something 99% of us don’t really care about. This is for you, 1% - this is all for you.
PS: Want to add emoji? Go to this site, find the URL Escape Code sections, and add the result to your status string! Ex: %F0%9F%93%88 = Chart with Upward Trend Bitwise Operators (aka Bits, Bits, Bits Part II)
Did you know that Mata supports bitwise operators? Well, it actually doesn't – in the typical sense. But that won't stop us from making it work. You see, Mata can handle data extremely well, and with a little finesse, can be forced to do things it wasn't really made to do. Yes it's going to be slow, and yes it's probably not very useful to the average user, but let me try to convince you how great using Mata really is!
For those who don't know, Mata is a lower level language than Stata – many of Stata's complex functions are actually written in Mata because it's really quite fast. Mata mimics a lot of C's syntax, but also simplifies things so you don't feel like you have to explicitly declare everything. In previous posts we've exploited the power of the - inbase() - function and we will make ample use of that today. Say we have a text file containing the word "Chunk". While we see a word, the computer sees numbers which correspond to each letter – otherwise known as ASCII. Mata's - ascii() - function can help us find this representation:
This is a simple way of converting our text into numbers, but how about into bytes? Typically, bytes are displayed in base 16:
But now we want to see each bit. Remember, I'm not a computer scientist, so you can trust me when I say this really isn't all that bad for those of you who haven't been exposed to this stuff. Just know that each of these bytes contains 8 bits. Each bit can either be on or off (1 or 0) which means that there’s a total possible bit combination of 2^8 = 256 per byte. Let's look at what Stata shows us when we look at everything in base 2:
Notice, I added a zero and a one at the end of the text string "chunk" for illustrative purposes. Why are these values not 0 and 1 respectively? That’s because the digits are also ASCII characters (digits 48 and 49). We can get the values of zero and one by using the - char() - function. For fun, we'll also look at values two and three as well.
Well, because there are technically 8 bits per byte, we need to pad each output with zeros so that the total length is 8 bits. For example: the value "3" can be written as "11" in base 2, but is the same "00000011" so that we can imagine all 8 bits. We can easily accomplish this in matrix form.
Notice the use of the colon operator? It's by far one of my favorite operands (not that I have that many) because it does the same operation on each element of the matrix, which makes the overall statement extremely succinct! The statement above just says: "Give me some zeros, exactly 8 minus how every many numbers we had, and append the original statement to the end to make sure every element has exactly 8 digits."
We should probably make this into a function, since we’ll use it a lot. So let's make the size of the padding an input as well. mata: string matrix padbit(string matrix x, real scalar padnum) { string matrix y y = "0" :* (padnum :- strlen(x)) :+ x return (y) } end mata: padbit(chunk, 8)
bitwise-mata-functions.do | |
File Size: | 2 kb |
File Type: | do |
// Read in File to Copy fh = fopen("Building an API Library.docx", "r") eof = _fseek(fh, 0, 1) fseek(fh, 0, -1) x = fread(fh, eof) fclose(fh)
// Run Bitwise Not y = padbit(inbase(2, ascii(x)), 8) for (i=1; i<=cols(y); i++) { y[i] = bitnot(y[i]) } y = char(frombase(2, y))
// Write the Results to File fh = fopen("Copy.docx", "w") fwrite(fh, y) fclose(fh)
tempname fh file open `fh' using testfile.wmm, replace write binary file write `fh' %1bu (255) %1bu (0) file write `fh' %20s "Will M Matsuoka File" file set `fh' byteorder 1 file write `fh' %1bu (1) * offset 200 file write `fh' %4bu (200) forvalues i = 1/200 { file write `fh' %1bs (0) } file write `fh' %8z (c(pi)) file write `fh' %2bu (255) %2bu (255) file close `fh'
mata: fh = fopen("testfile-fwrite.wmm", "w") fwrite(fh, char((255, 0))) fwrite(fh, "Will M Matsuoka File") // We know that the byte order must be 1 fwrite(fh, char(1)) fwrite(fh, char(0)+char(0)+char(0)+char(200)) fwrite(fh, char(0)*200) fwrite(fh, char(64) + char(9) + char(33) + char(251) + char(84) + char(68) + char(45) + char(24)) fwrite(fh, char((0,255))*2) fclose(fh) end
mata: fh = fopen("testfile3-bufio.wmm", "w") C = bufio() bufbyteorder(C, 1) fbufput(C, fh, "%1bu", (255, 0)) fbufput(C, fh, "%20s", "Will M Matsuoka File") // We know that the byte order must be 1 fbufput(C, fh, "%1bu", bufbyteorder(C)) fbufput(C, fh, "%4bu", 200) fbufput(C, fh, "%1bu", J(1, 200, 0)) fbufput(C, fh, "%8z", pi()) fbufput(C, fh, "%2bu", (255, 255)) fclose(fh) end
mata: void read_wmm(string scalar filename) { fh = fopen(filename, "r") C = bufio() fbufget(C, fh, "%1bu", 2) if (fbufget(C, fh, "%20s")!="Will M Matsuoka File") { errprintf("Not a proper wmm file") fclose(fh) exit(610) } bufbyteorder(C, fbufget(C, fh, "%1bu")) offset = fbufget(C, fh, "%4bu") fseek(fh, offset, 0) fbufget(C, fh, "%8z") fclose(fh) } read_wmm("testfile-fwrite.wmm") read_wmm("testfile.wmm") read_wmm("testfile3-bufio.wmm") end
set obs 300 forvalues i = 1/200 { gen x`i' = round(runiform()*50*_n) } gen id = _n reshape long x, i(id) j(vars) egen count = xtile(x), nq(30) keep id vars count
. mata: inbase(16, 500) 1f4
file open myfile using testgrad.bmp, write replace binary file write myfile %1b (66) %1b (77) %1b (70) %1b (0) %1b (0) %1b (0) file write myfile %1b (0) %1b (0) %1b (0) %1b (0) %1b (54) file write myfile %1b (0) %1b (0) %1b (0) %1b (40) file write myfile %1b (0) %1b (0) %1b (0) mata: bitmap_rowcol(bitmap_size(200), bitmap_size(300)) file write myfile %1bu (`c1') %1bu (`c2') %1bu (0) %1bu (0) file write myfile %1bu (`r1') %1bu (`r2') %1bu (0) %1bu (0) file write myfile %1b (1) %1b (0) %1b (24) file write myfile %1b (0) %1b (0) %1b (0) %1b (0) %1b (0) %1b (16) forvalues i = 1/19 { file write myfile %1b (0) }
mata: bitmap_body(${cols}, X, buff) file close myfile
bitmap.do | |
File Size: | 4 kb |
File Type: | do |
Will Matsuoka is the creator of W=M/Stata - he likes creativity and simplicity, taking pictures of food, competition, and anything that can be analyzed.
For more information about this site, check out the teaser above!
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